Uddiyana Bandha- The Secret Cure for Back Pain.
Uddiyana Bandha is one of the 3 ancient “locks” in the yoga system and has traditionally been used to awaken the kundalini and raise it to the higher levels of consciousness. Uddiyana has significant beneficial effects on the physical plane, as well. It helps circulate waste through the organs, positively affecting digestion. It also gives us access to the anterior portion of the spine, a region not easily granted entrance to. By sensitizing ourselves to this area, we are able to detect unwanted vertebral rotations and neurally restricted tissues in a way no other technique can. This class will be beneficial for anyone with back pain, abdominal discomfort or an interest in learning about one of the more advanced practices in the yoga lineage.
9AM-12PM Saturday, 20 January 2024
BreathYoga Flow I
Slow-Flow, breath-focused alignment-based yoga sequenced to support the fullest freedom in breath and energy. A 3-hour experience which weaves in breathwork with yoga posture to support a heart-opening experience of Conscious-Connected Breathwork. Level One suitable for ALL LEVELS
2PM-5PM Saturday, 20 January 2024
BreathYoga Flow II
Slow-Flow, breath-focused alignment-based yoga sequenced to support the fullest freedom in breath and energy. A 3-hour experience which weaves in breathwork with yoga posture to support a heart-opening experience of Conscious-Connected Breathwork. Level Two- prior yoga experience recommended - will include stronger work with inversions, arm balances and backward bends
9AM-12PM Sunday 21 January 2024
Resonance Awakening
Awaken into resonance through the breath. 3-hour meditative and healing exploration of how to support your deep health and well-being. Learn a unique practice which integrates body-to-mind healing using Resonance Breathing and mind-to-body healing using guided journaling. You will make progress in mastering your breath and mind in this workshop and have new tools to help you shape your future. ALL LEVELS

About Adrian Cox
Adrian is the founder of BreathYoga and Yoga Elements, with over 25 years of experience coaching and training yoga, breathing, meditation, and mindset coaching. He is a certified breathwork trainer, E-RYT 500 yoga trainer, and a trainer and coach of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The BreathYoga method integrates breathwork into alignment-based flow sequences, liberating breath and energy flow. Learn more: https://www.breathyoga.com/