to Awaken
Learn the 3 Yoga Breathing Practices of Mysore, India
Breathwork for Strength and Spiritual Awakening.
Learn how with BreathYoga
This course is part of the Conscious Breathing Bundle
Learn The Yoga Pranayamas of Mysore India
and Breathe to Awaken
'Prāṇāyāma' - is the art and science of expanding one's life-force energy. These 3 ancient breath practices from Mysore India have previously only been taught directly from teacher to student.
The experience of a regular practice of pranayama builds deep physical strength and calm, while opening the door to an understanding oneself and energy in a way that few practices can.
Course Content

The Body
Learn exactly how to position your hips, spine, head and chest for breathing freedom. You will learn how to perform the hand mudras and safely enter classic poses for pranayama as well as the internal locks, or 'bandha'.

Ratio and Count
These pranayamas have precise measures of how the ratio between the inhalation, hold and exhalation should be to get results. Discover how to set your own rhythm and pace and know how and when you can advance to more challenge.

Philosophy and Lifestyle
Pranayama comes with an important context that is often left out in general level classes. Learn the philosophy and lifestyle recommendations that will help you make the most out of your experiences.

Energy and Mind
'Prāṇā means energy and more energy will open up possibilities for you. Learn how to visualize the flows of energy to take your practice to another level.
The Breath Practice
Vishama Vritti
The first pranayama you will learn and practice is called Vishama Vritti and it means "the unequal ratio". It gives you the opportunity to understand the differences in your energy that flows from the nostrils to the tailbone on either side of your spine.

Nadi Shodana
In the second week you will focus on Nadi Shodana which means "the purification of the energy channels". This is a harmonizing, balancing pranayama that will take you deeper.

Shakti Chalana
When you are ready, you can move on to this advanced level pranayama called Shakti Chalana or "the stirring of the shakti energy". This is unique to the Mysore pranayamas and does not appear in other places.

The Upasana
For the adventurous, committed practitioner you may consider taking on an advanced 48 day practice which will reveal to you the secrets of your mind, energy and life itself.

Sneak Peak
Why Pranayama?
The Ocean Breath
Nadi and Energy
I'm Adrian Cox
I teach what I practice. A daily practice of yoga, breathing, and meditation for 25 years. My insatiable curiosity and drive for learning has opened the world to me, and led me to learn with many masters. I am passionate about what I do.
Breathing is our birthright, and changing your relationship with breath can make it easier to be more of the person you want to be, when you need to be. Over centuries and longer, different approaches to understanding and working with breath have emerged. I’ve studied those disciplines for decades, and integrated them into the work I do with BreathYoga. I'm the founder of two yoga schools and have worked with thousands of people, teaching the art and science of body, mind and spirit.